I am a lecturer at Lancaster University (UK). The position is roughly equivalent to an assistant professorship (US) and to Maître de Conférences (FR).
My research interests lie in the areas of algorithms (with a focus on graph algorithms) and distributed computing. In particular, I am interested in designing frugal algorithms, or in other words, algorithms that use less messages, less energy, less memory, weaker communication mechanisms, etc., and finding out when this must come at the cost of the algorithm’s runtime.
Distributed networks play a fundamental role in numerous modern computer science applications. Among these, I am particularly interested in secure peer-to-peer networks (with applications to blockchains), green computing (or sustainable computing), swarm robotics, and wireless networks.
- We recently submitted “Quantum Communication Advantage for Leader Election and Agreement” (joint work with Frédéric Magniez and Gopal Pandurangan). This work provides a new framework for quantum distributed networks, in which one can design more frugal (in terms of message sent) quantum distributed algorithms.
You can find an up-to-date list of my publications and preprints on my dblp page.
Conference Papers
- Quantum Communication Advantage for Leader Election and Agreement
Fabien Dufoulon, Frédéric Magniez and Gopal Pandurangan
Full Version (Arxiv) - Fully-Distributed Byzantine Agreement in Sparse Networks
John Augustine, Fabien Dufoulon and Gopal Pandurangan
SODA 2025, Full Version (Arxiv) - The Singular Optimality of Distributed Computation in LOCAL
Fabien Dufoulon, Gopal Pandurangan, Peter Robinson and Michele Scquizzato
OPODIS 2024, Full Version (Arxiv) - The Message Complexity of Distributed Graph Optimization
Fabien Dufoulon, Shreyas Pai, Gopal Pandurangan, Sriram V. Pemmaraju, and Peter Robinson
ITCS 2024, Full Version (Arxiv) - Time- and Communication-Efficient Overlay Network Construction via Gossip
Fabien Dufoulon, Michael Moorman, William K. Moses Jr., and Gopal Pandurangan
ITCS 2024, Full Version (Arxiv) - Distributed MIS in O(log log n) Awake Complexity
Fabien Dufoulon, William K. Moses Jr., Gopal Pandurangan
PODC 2023, Full Version (Arxiv) - Beeping Shortest Paths via Hypergraph Bipartite Decomposition
Fabien Dufoulon, Yuval Emek, Ran Gelles
ITCS 2023, Full Version (Arxiv) - An Almost Singularly Optimal Asynchronous Distributed MST Algorithm
Fabien Dufoulon, Shay Kutten, William K. Moses Jr., Gopal Pandurangan and David Peleg
DISC 2022, Full Version (Arxiv) - Efficient Deterministic Leader Election for Programmable Matter
Fabien Dufoulon, Shay Kutten, William K. Moses Jr.
PODC 2021, Full Version (Arxiv) - Can Uncoordinated Beeps tell Stories?
Fabien Dufoulon, Janna Burman, Joffroy Beauquier
PODC 2020, Full Version (HAL) - Optimal Multi-broadcast with Beeps using Group Testing
Joffroy Beauquier, Janna Burman, Peter Davies, Fabien Dufoulon
SIROCCO 2019, Full Version (HAL) - Beeping a Deterministic Time-Optimal Leader Election
Fabien Dufoulon, Janna Burman, Joffroy Beauquier
DISC 2018, Full Version (HAL) - Brief Announcement: Beeping a Time-Optimal Leader Election
Fabien Dufoulon, Janna Burman, Joffroy Beauquier
PODC 2018, Full Version (HAL) - Fast Beeping Protocols for Deterministic MIS and (Δ + 1)-Coloring in Sparse Graphs
Joffroy Beauquier, Janna Burman, Fabien Dufoulon, Shay Kutten
INFOCOM 2018, Full Version (HAL) - Load Prediction for Energy-Aware Scheduling for Clouding Computing Platforms
Alexandre Dambreville, Joanna Tomasik, Johanne Cohen, Fabien Dufoulon
ICDCS 2017, Full Version (HAL)
Technical Reports
- Distributed Coloring in the SLEEPING Model
Fabien Dufoulon, Pierre Fraigniaud, Mikaël Rabie and Hening Zheng
Full Version (Arxiv)
- Overcoming interference in the beeping communication model
University Paris-saclay, (PhD Thesis)